Saturday, October 29, 2011

Flor de Lis - Insanely ticklish!

Flor de Lis is tickled relentlessly by Fetish elf and Nicolas. They have her tied spread eagle to the bed and completely nude with her legs open, so they can get right in those hyper sensitive inner thighs making her laugh hysterically. Four hands tickle torturing her from her soft bare soles to her super ticklish armpits...Tickling around her breasts, nipples and ribs... Twenty fingers attacking her at once in an incredible, intense non stop tickle torment! And the camera catches all the tickling action in every angle, including her awesome reactions and facial expressions! You are going to enjoy this girl... She is insanely ticklish! Another hot clip you don't want to miss!             

Flor de lis es sometida a cosquillas incesantes por parte de Fetish Elf y Nicolas. Ellos la han atado desnuda a la cama, de manera que tiene las piernas abiertas, para poder hacerle cosquillas en la parte interna del muslo, y disfrutar como rie histericamente. Cuatro manos son las que torturan sus suaves pies y sus axilas cosquillosas, asi como alrededor de sus senos, pezones y costillas, causandole un gran tormento, captando con la camara impresionantes reacciones de su cara, lo cual de seguro disfrutaras.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Jahaziel's tickle torture!

Jahaziel accepted to make a tickling video with us, 'cause she wanted to convince us she wasn't ticklish on her feet. However, as soon as we used the waterpiks on both soles, we made her yeal in laughter. This girl turned to be more ticklish than we could imagine in the beginning... and not only on her feet! poor Jahaziel. Finally we discovered another hot spot: the armpits. And there was exactly where we had more fun!             

Jahaziel acepto hacer un video de cosquillas con nosotros y convencernos que no es cosquillosa de los pies. Sin embargo una vez que utilizamos los waterpiks en sus plantas de los pies, hicimos que explotara en risas, por lo que vimos que es mas cosquillosa de lo que pensabamos en un principio... y no solamente en sus pies, es asi que descubrimos que tambien tiene muchas cosquillas en las axilas, y es donde la diversión verdaderamente comienza.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011